E-commerce Tutorial: How to add subitems 
What are subitems? Subitems are product items which represent a base product item with different attributes. As an example, if we have a t-shirt as the base item, we can have multiple sizes and colors with different pricing options representing the base item since each subitem may have its own SKU number and its own name.  
What are attributes of subitems? Attributes are properties which describe the subitem such as color or size. We recommend you first define attribute names before adding a subitem. 
1) In the e-commerce section, click on "Product Attribute Field Names".  
2) You can add as many attribute names as you want. Size and color are the most widely used product attributes. 
3) We have added three attribute field names. Once you have defined several attribute field names, you are ready to add subitems. 
4) Click on "Product Items"
5) Scroll down and locate the base item which you want to add the subitems to. Click on the link "Product Attributes / Subitems". 
6) You'll see a window open. You can fill in the subitem info.  
7) Be sure to add the attribute values. For multiple values, you can separate them by comma(s).  
8) Once you added a subitem, close the window. Click on 'Refresh' button. 
9) Locate the base item. You'll see the subitem listed.  

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